Residency Program

Pathology Education Series - Resident Conferences

In 2011, a consolidated format for resident conferences was introduced.  The new Pathology Education Series, reduces the number of hours residents spend attending conferences and focuses on three main components:

Monday:  Career and Professional Development

These conferences will focus on skills and knowledge essential to success in one’s professional life, and will include topics such as licensing and certification, job hunting and interviewing, effective literature searches, risk management, organized pathology, and serving as an expert witness. 

Tuesdays:  Laboratory Management

Scheduled conferences for the fall include patient safety, Excel spreadsheets, selecting an LIS, media and publicity, mentoring, pathologists’ roles on hospital committees.

Wednesday:  Clinical Pathology Case Conference

Thursday:  Clinical Perspectives

These conferences will be a potpourri of AP and CP topics, and will include our own faculty and trainees, as well as guest faculty from other departments.

Friday: Anatomic Pathology Case Conference