Core Resources

Research Histology and Immunohistochemistry Core


Representative immunohistochemistry result. Adrenocortical carcinoma tissue array stained with anti-CDK9.

Thomas J. Giordano, MD, PhD
Dafydd G. Thomas, MD, PhD
Steven Hrycaj, PhD

1150 W. Medical Center Dr.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
MSRB-1 4504
Lab Number: (734) 647-3261

Primary Contact for IHC: Kathy Toy

The University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center supports and maintains a state-of-the-art histology and immunohistochemistry laboratory using automated instruments. Services are provided on a chargeback basis. We require a valid shortcode at the time orders are placed. 

The immunohistochemistry portion of the lab has a battery of standard antibodies available and protocols for many more antibodies. However, most of our immunohistochemistry work is done with specific antibodies provided by investigators.

Drs. Giordano, Harms, and Thomas are available for consultation or can identify a collaborating pathologist if needed. We also have a large collection of neoplastic tissue arrays available via collaboration. Contact us to discuss.

We now offer bright-field and multispectral whole slide imaging on the Vectra Polaris platform, in combination with our immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry services.

Please mention our contribution and funding support (NIH P30 CA04659229) in the Acknowledgments section of your manuscript. 

Service Highlights

  • Bright-field and multispectral whole slide Imaging
  • Tissue procurement
  • Tissue processing, embedding, and sectioning
  • Hematoxylin and eosin staining
  • Special stains
  • Frozen sections
  • Immunohistochemistry—frozen or FFPE, DAKO and Ventana
  • Tissue banking
  • Molecular pathology services
  • Tissue microarray construction


Ordering and Sample Drop-off

Ordering is now online through iLabs under Tissue & Molecular Pathology Shared Resource.  In addition to the online walkthrough, we also provide direct assistance with ordering.

Sample drop-off is located on the cart immediately in room MSRB1 4508.  For investigators at NCRC, courier service can be arranged—contact for details.