Residency Program

Visiting Professor Lectures on New Book

Aug 11, 2017

Ian Burney, Professor of History at the Centre for the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine at Manchester University will visit on Thursday, August 17 to give a lecture on his newest book, Murder and the Making of English CSI.

The book tells the story of how one of the most iconic features of our present-day forensic landscape — crime scene investigation — came into being. Drawing on material ranging from how-to investigator handbooks and detective novels to crime journalism, police case reports, and courtroom transcripts, the book shows readers how, over time, the focus of murder inquiries shifted from a primarily medical and autopsy-based interest in the victim's body to one dominated by laboratory technicians laboring over minute trace evidence.

The lecture will begin at 8:00 am on August 17 in 4234 Med Sci I. Faculty and trainees are invited to attend.