Residency Program

9th Annual Developing Future Biologists Short Course is Underway

Jun 1, 2023

A week-long, all-expenses-paid trip to Ann Arbor, Michigan in late Spring may sound too good to be true, but for 30 fortunate undergraduate students from around the United States and its territories, this becomes a reality when they are accepted into the annual Developing Future Biologists (DFB) short course.

The 9th Annual DFB short course commenced as students arrived in Michigan on Tuesday, May 30th, with a warm welcome reception and dinner. Throughout the upcoming week, these students will participate in lectures, workshops, panel discussions, wet and dry laboratory activities, and have the opportunity to explore all that Ann Arbor has to offer. The Department of Pathology is among several departments that provide financial support for this program and has a longstanding involvement in the planning and execution of the DFB, particularly through their Molecular and Cellular Pathology graduate students.

Gabrielle Rozumek, a current MCP graduate student, is a member of this year's planning committee and expressed her gratitude towards the Department of Pathology leadership for their support of the DFB program. “Not only do they provide financial assistance, but they also encourage their graduate students to get involved. Pathology graduate students have been engaged with the DFB since its inception. Furthermore, any graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, or faculty members who are interested in interacting with these highly motivated undergraduate students are welcomed to participate.” Including this year’s cohort, 238 undergraduate students will have completed the DFB short course, with 93% of them pursuing a graduate or postgraduate degree in biomedical sciences. Additionally, each year, 4 or 5 of these students apply to the University of Michigan graduate programs.

Participating research faculty have the opportunity to meet and recruit these exceptional young students for their laboratory programs. This is a mutually beneficial arrangement for both the students and the faculty. To continue to offer this program, the DFB needs ongoing funding.  Click here to donate to the DFB. For more information about the DFB program, please click here.


Jacqueline V. Graniel, Jessica Teitel, M. Rebecca Glineburg, Erez Cohen, Laura A. Buttitta, Scott Barolo, Benjamin L. Allen. Developing Future Biologists: developmental biology for undergraduates from underserved communities. Development 2023, 150(1):dev201337.