Residency Program

Introducing our Resident Class of 2026

Aug 1, 2022

Our new class of Residents began on July 1, 2022 and will be with us for the next four years.  We asked each of them to introduce themselves to us. Continue reading to learn a bit more about them and maybe find some common interests that you could enjoy together.

Eric Chang, MD

Eric Chang, MD, Wayne State University, Detroit, MII was born in Michigan and grew up in Rochester, Michigan for most of my life. I completed both my undergraduate and medical education at Wayne State University in Detroit, so coming to Ann Arbor was a natural transition for me.

My interest in pathology began when I took an Intro to Histology course in my undergraduate program.  I absolutely loved the colors and morphology and decided to shadow a local pathologist. Throughout medical school, I have compared every other specialty to pathology and I couldn't have been convinced out of pursuing it by the end.

The biggest draw to Michigan Medicine for my residency program was the flexibility offered between AP and CP.  I really wanted to explore both fields and felt that U of M offered a perfect match for me.

In my free time, I am an avid tennis player and it is always my "go-to" activity outdoors.  As for indoors, I'm a huge console gamer and I absolutely love playing my Nintendo switch.


Jang Cho, MD

Jang Cho, MD, Georgetown University, Boston, MAI was born and raised in Seoul, South Korea.  I came to the United States for college and never left. While I was a medical student at Georgetown University, I was working at the Boston Children's Hospital.  I was impressed by the pathologists who were diagnosing challenging cases and guiding treatment options.  I felt this was the most "doctor" thing to do and that is what attracted me to pathology. 

I am excited to explore the endless possibilities and the numerous research opportunities available at the University of Michigan. That is what drew me to Michigan's program.

In my free time, I enjoy an aggressively sedentary lifestyle. I enjoy reading and riding my electric skateboard.


Timothy Dinh, MD, PhD

Timothy Dinh, MD, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel HillI grew up in New Jersey,  South Jersey, just outside of Philadelphia. I obtained both my MD and PhD frm the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. My PhD was in Genetics & Molecular Biology where I studied a rare liver cancer called fibrolamellar carcinoma.

I chose pathology for my area of specialty because I really enjoy thinking about mechanisms of disease and because of the diversity of topics within the field of pathology.

I am really excited by all the wonderful people within the Residency Program and the Pathology Department at Michigan Medicine, as well as the breadth of clinical and research opportunities available here.

In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my wife and our dog, Coda; eating food (I eat everything, but seafood is my favorite), pretending to exercise off all that food, and watching YouTube videos (often of food). As you can see, I'm very food motivated!


Isabella Dishong, DO

Isabella Dishong, MD, Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, Bradenton, FLI grew up in Mesa, Arizona, then went across the United States to Florida to attend medical school at Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Pathology is the science of medicine and that is what made me interested in medicine in the first place. Often, pathology is the place where people go to find answers and for me, it was where I found mine, too.

The most exciting part of joining Michigan Medicine's Department of Pathology Residency Program is getting to meet all the wonderful people that make U-M such an amazing place to work!

In my free time, I like to workout and recently got into pilates. I also love being able to spend time outdoors - whether that be hiking or just hanging out by the water. My favorite thing to do is to spend quality time with my cat, Anakin.


Sarah Farran, MD, MPH

Sarah Farran, MD, MPH, American University of Beirut, LebanonI was born in California and grew up in Beirut, Lebanon. I completed my undergraduate education in psychology with minors in biology and philosophy, and obtained my medical degree from the American University of Beirut, where I pursued, after medical school, a Master of Public Health with a concentration in epidemiology and biostatistics.

I was introduced to pathology at an early age by my mother, who is a pathologist herself, but my real fascination with it grew in medical school. I was attracted to the breadth of topics and diagnositc methods underlying pathology, and how advances and innovations in the fields of molecular genetics and informatics are reshaping healthcare.

I chose Pathology at U-M Medicine because I was enthusiastic to learn from an exceptional team of pathologists who are leaders in the field, in an environment that tailors to a diversity of interests. After witnessing the geniuine atmosphere of friendliness and dedication on my interview day, I was certain that this is where I wanted to be!

Outside of work, I enjoy playing the violin, running, swimming and hiking.


Lauren Miller, MD, MJ

Lauren Miller, MD, MJ, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WII was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I lived there for my entire life prior to moving to Ann Arbor. I completed medical school at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In addition to my medical training, I attained a Master of Jurisprudence in Health Law with a Certificate in Compliance Studies from Loyola University in Chicago.

I fell in love with the clinical laboratory as a senior in high school. Marquette University, where I attended college, hosts an annual laboratory introductory program for high school juniors and seniors. I was lucky enough to earn a spot in this program and from the first time I ran a serum glucose on a 1970's era spectrophotometer, I was hooked. As I continued my education, every rotation I did was compared back to the laboratory, and nothing measured up. Choosing pathology was an easy decision!

What sets Michigan Medicine Department of Pathology apart from other programs is the training opportunities in addition to top-notch pathology education. I am professionally certified in both healthcare compliance and medical quality, and the department supports projects in both areas and gives residents ample opportunity to participate in laboratory inspections. Michigan Medicine also provides a Health Administration Scholars Program to train the next generation of physician  leaders, which directly aligns with my career goals.

Michigan Medicine is giving me the resources and education to not only become an excellent pathologist, but also supports my longitudinal career goals and professional development. The faculty and staff care about me as a whole person, and I love that my co-residents are fun to work with and hang out with!

In my free time, I am mom to my adorable 1-year-old daughter, Gemma. My husband and I love taking her to parks in the area and exploring the city. The food in Ann Arbor is amazing! I also enjoy involvement in professional societies. I am the Trainee Member on the Clinical Practice Committee for the Association for Molecular Pathology and Chair of the Trainees and Young Professionals Section of the American College of Medical Quality.


Mark Rudolf, MD, PhD

Mark Rudolph, MD, PhD, University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, VAI grew up in Rochester Hills, Michigan, about one hour away from Ann Arbor. I attended medical school at the University of Virginia School of Medicine.  While in Charlottesville, I also earned a PhD studying mechanisms of sensory hair cell regeneration in the inner ear.

I chose pathology because it lies at the nexus of medicine and basic science, and there is so much to learn and discover about mechanisms of disease.

What excites me the most about joining Michigan Medicine's Deparmtent of Pathology is working with the outstanding physician scientists within the Department of Pathology and throughout Michigan Medicine as part of the Physician-Scientist Training Program.

In my free time, I enjoy playing soccer and learning new musical instruments. I currently play guitar, drums and saxaphone, and am slowly learning more piano and violin.