Point of Care

Point Of Care - Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I swap out a glucometer that is not working?

Onsite- Bring the broken or malfunctioning glucometer to Specimen Processing at University Hospital Room 2F471 to swap it out for a working glucometer. Click here for more information about this process.

Only glucometers may be exchanged. If you are having an issue with a glucometer base, reach out to Point of Care via email or call during business hours.


Offsite- Contact POCT Offsite at 734-232-5555 or at PATH-POC-Offsite@med.umich.edu and we will coordinate a time to bring you a replacement.

  • How do I request access to a glucometer or other Point of Care testing instrument (Clinitek, DCA, GEM, Hemochron)?

Email the Point of Care team.  The request should include: operator first and last name, UMID, unique name, the instrument you need access to, and all locations where access is needed.  We will grant access within 2 business days.

  • Why can’t I log in to the glucometer? My barcode is not working. 

If you do not perform both levels of controls while logged into the glucometer, at least once per year, you will lose access to the glucometer.  Contact the POCT office to temporarily restore your access so that you can complete the QC requirement and recertify for another year. Also, if you move to a different unit, your glucometer access may need to be updated to permit acess to devices on your new unit. Contact the POCT office to request a change in access locations.

  • How do I get after-hours/weekend/holiday technical support, glucometer/instrument access, or testing supplies?

Phone the POCT Hotline: 734-936-6754.  Assistance, such as glucometer access, and some supplies are available after hours.  More complicated technical questions will be forwarded to the POCT department to address during business hours.

  • How do I request an operator barcode?

The operator barcode is your UMID number in barcode format.  You can enter your operator ID quickly by using the barcode scanner on the glucometer and other testing devices. Using the operator barcode and instrument barcode reader will hasten access to testing devices. It does not change when you move departments or if your glucometer access expires.  You can print your UMID number in barcode format yourself or request one from POCT.  Email the POCT office. Provide your UMID number and a tube station or campus mail location to send it to.

  • How do I remove Point of Care tests results that were resulted on an incorrect patient?

Contact HITS at 6-8000 to create a ticket to remove the results.

  • Timer with mute feature.Why isn’t my timer making any noise?

Check the side of the timer for a toggle switch. The options are mute, low, and high.