Education, Training, and Communications

Pathology Presentations at USCAP March 19-24, 2022

Mar 4, 2022

Each year, thousands of pathologists assemble in person or remotely to participate in the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathologists Annual Meeting. Likewise, each year, the Department of Pathology at the University of Michigan is very well represented!  This year, our faculty and trainees will be giving presentations, teaching courses, moderating panel discussions, participating as panelists, and presenting their research in poster sessions, for a total of 69 activities! The meeting will commence on March 19th with a USCAP Honors Ceremony, led by our own Dr. Laura Lamps, president of the USCAP, and conclude on March 24th.

Below is a list of platform presentations being given by our faculty.  For a complete list of all types of presentations being given by our faculty and trainees, click here.  The times listed below are Eastern Time zone.

March 21

11:15 amDr. Rahul Mannan: Integrated Protein and mRNA Biomarker Assessment in a Rapid Autopsy Series of Castrate Resistant Metastatic Prostate Cancer (not available online)

11:30 amDr. David Chapel: Racial Disparities in Endometrial Carcinoma: An Analysis of Tumors from Black/African American Patients to Determine the Value of the TCGA Molecular Classification System in this Population (not available online)

12:00 pmDr. Liron Pantanowitz: Performance of Afirma Genomic Sequencing Classifier and Histopathological Outcome Are Associated with Subtype of Atypia in Bethesda Category III Thyroid Nodules (not available online)

2:00 pmDr. Jiaqi Shi: Cytologic Findings in Intraductal Papillary Neoplasm of Bile Duct (IPNB): An Analysis of 18 Cases

2:30 pmDr. Richard Cantley: Metastatic Prostate Cancer - Assessment of Cytopathologic and Biomarker Features with Transdifferentiation and Clinical Correlates

4:00 pmDr. Eman Abdulfatah: Extragonadal Germ Cell Tumors: A Comprehensive Study with Emphasis on Morphological Features, Clinical Outcomes, and Associated Secondary Malignancies

4:15 pmDr. Jeffrey Hodgin: Glomerular Segmentation and Classification Pipeline Using NEPTUNE Whole Slide Images

5:45 pmDr. Richard Cantley: CDKN2A/B Loss in High-Grade Transformation of Salivary Gland Carcinoma: High-Grade Malignant Potential in Histologically Low-Grade Component


March 22

11:15 am – Dr. Nicole Tomm: Follow Up Biopsies in Gastrointestinal Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Toxicity May Show Markedly Different Inflammatory Patterns Than Initial Injury

2:45 pmDr. David Chapel: Classification of Uterine Mesenchymal Neoplasms by Deep Learning Algorithms

5:00 pmDr. Maria Westerhoff: Porto-Sinusoidal Vascular Disease: A Heretofore Unrecognized Manifestation of Sickle Cell Disease?


March 23

12:30 pmDr. Anna Owczarczyk: Clinicopathologic Characteristics of High-Grade B-cell Lymphomas with t(3;8)(q27;q24) BCL6/MYC