Education, Training, and Communications

Why Pathology at Michigan?

The Department of Pathology at Michigan Medicine embodies the mission of “To transform health through bold and innovative education, discovery, and service.”  When trainees choose Michigan Medicine, they can expect to learn from world-renown leaders in the field, who offer expertise in diverse subspecialties.  Many of our senior faculty have helped to build the foundations of modern pathology, while junior faculty are often lauded as rising stars, helping to shape how we practice pathology into the future.  We have a legacy of recruiting and developing the best faculty and learners, who collaborate to deliver outstanding patient care, while simultaneously working to advance the field of pathology both through basic science and clinical research. 

The Department of Pathology serves patients not only in our local and regional communities but also across the globe through our robust clinical and consultation practices.  We receive over 118,000 surgical pathology cases annually, including more than 16,000 extramural consults, and are responsible for roughly 800 hospital and medical examiner autopsies.  Additionally, the clinical laboratory bills for more than 6.3 million laboratory tests annually.  All of this serves as rich and comprehensive learning opportunities for trainees.   

When residents are asked why they chose Michigan Medicine, their overwhelming response is the people.  The Department of Pathology is composed of those who are dedicated to maintaining a culture of mutual respect and teamwork in order to continuously improve the ways in which we learn, the environments in which we work, clinical services that we provide, and opportunities for basic and translational research.

The collaborative environment, abundant educational opportunities, and state-of-the-art Pathology facilities — all nestled in one of the best cities to live in the U.S. — make for an incredible training experience at Michigan Medicine.


Tours of Our Facilities

North Campus Research Complex (NCRC) &
University Hospital (UH)

All residents will have the pleasure of being trained and working at both our newly renovated North Campus Research Complex, as well as the University Hospital. Watch this video to gain a visual tour of both facilities.


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Pathology of the Streets

Back in 2017, we started our video series that allowed our residents to hit the streets of Ann Arbor, MI and talk with individuals about pathology. It's proven to be our most popular series. Watch as those interviewed even surprised our hosts.

 Watch Collection

  Episode 01: What is a Pathologist?
  Episode 02: Blood Banking
  Episode 03: Objects of Pathology

Resident Stories

What's it like being a resident in pathology at Michigan? Watch our series of interviews featuring our past residents discussing topics such as research, teaching, and life in Ann Arbor.

 Watch Collection



How did you find your career in pathology? This video series asked that very question to many of our residents and faculty. Some knew for a long time what they wanted, but many stumbled on pathology by chance!

 Watch Collection


Virtual Slide Box

The University of Michigan Virtual Slide Box contains over 20,000 scanned slides from cases seen at the University of Michigan and includes cases from nearly every surgical pathology subspecialty. The slide box can be used to search for examples of specific diagnoses, test one’s knowledge by generating a random “test set,” or just to peruse. The U of M Virtual Slide Box continues to grow as we see cases that educate and fascinate us.

View Slides


Social Media

Our department believes that training can be done, not just within our walls, but on social media. We strive to be a part of the larger community of pathologists, celebrate our colleagues, and bring greater awareness to our field.