PhD Program

Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) and the Molecular and Cellular Pathology (MCP) Graduate Program

You have your sights set on a combined career in medicine and research. This is an exciting career path preparing you for a future of discovery. Did you know that fewer than 2% of medical students follow your path? You are one of the elite students of your generation and should be proud of your accomplishments!

The Molecular and Cellular Pathology (MCP) graduate program is a perfect complement to your medical degree. Our program focuses on translating discoveries in the research laboratory to direct patient care. Isn’t that why you are seeking an MD/PhD in the first place- to make discoveries that can benefit your patients? As an MCP-MSTP student, you have the opportunity to choose from a wide range of research topics in one of the >35 Experimental Pathology laboratories while pairing with clinician mentors to enhance your educational experience.

We encourage you to explore our website to learn more about the MCP program. We would love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have. Please feel free to reach out any time! (add contact links for Drs. Rual and Hogan).

Are you ready to apply to the MSTP program at Michigan?


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