Parkos & Nusrat Labs

Dr. Asma Nusrat elected President of the American Society for Investigative Pathology

Jul 16, 2018

Congratulations to Asma Nusrat, MD, the Aldred Scott Warthin Professor and director of experimental pathology in the Michigan Medicine Department of Pathology, for her election as president of the American Society for Investigative Pathology, effective July 1, 2018.  The ASIP is a society of biomedical scientists who investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms of disease.  Dr. Nusrat is only the fifth woman to serve as president of the ASIP in its 105-year history.  Nusrat’s research focuses on the basic molecular mechanisms of, and therapeutic strategies to promote, mucosal wound repair. This research, combined with her exceptional leadership, teaching and service, provided the background needed to position her for election to this prestigious position. She previously served the Society as a member of the ASIP council, chair of the program committee and co-chair of the vascular and mucosal pathobiology scientific interest group.

As the president of ASIP, Nusrat and Dr. Charles Parkos, chair of pathology at Michigan Medicine, will co-host the Pathology for Investigators, Students and Academicians (PISA) annual meeting, October 20-22, 2018, in Ann Arbor, Michigan at the new pathology laboratory facilities.  Registration for PISA 2018 “Molecular Mechanisms of Disease:  Tissue Homeostasis, Immune Responses, and Cancer” is now open, with a late-breaking abstract submission deadline of September 28, 2018.