Education, Training, and Communications

Laurie Griesinger, MD, takes Top Prizes at Resident Research Competition

Dec 14, 2018

Second-year resident, Laurie Griesinger, MD, won both second and third place at the 2018 Winter Resident Research Competition on December 1st at the Inn at St. John’s in Plymouth, Michigan. The competition, held annually by the Michigan Society of Pathologists during their Winter Meeting, is open to all residents and fellows training in Michigan. Trainees are invited to submit up to two abstracts of original research for consideration and a panel of judges chooses the top three abstracts for presentation at the podium.

Griesinger was recognized for projects she’s done with Associate Professor of Gynecologic Pathology, Richard Lieberman, MD. She presented the second-place project, Long-Term Follow-Up in a Cohort of Patients with Incidentally Identified Chronic Endometritis, during a ten-minute presentation at the meeting. This study looked at 13-years of clinical follow-up in women who had a biopsy displaying chronic endometritis upon evaluation for abnormal uterine bleeding.

The third-place project, Comparison of Multiplex PCR for High-Risk HPV with a Commercially Available Test – Eight Years of Clinical Follow-Up, was presented as a poster and looked at the distribution of HPV subtypes in a random group of cervical samples taken with Pap smears. It also reviewed the ability of the Hybrid Capture 2 test to accurately identify high-risk HPV in cervical samples.

Griesinger took home a cash prize for each of her winning projects and will continue work on her HPV research as well as begin a new project with Assistant Professor of Genitourinary and Head and Neck Pathology, Aaron Udager, MD, PhD, looking at penile intraepithelial neoplasia. She’ll also begin research with Associate Professor of Genitourinary Pathology Rohit Mehra, MD, and the Michigan Legacy Tissue Program.