Education, Training, and Communications

Celina G. Kleer, MD selected for the 2018 MICHR Distinguished Clinical and Translational Research Mentor Award

Jun 18, 2018

Congratulations to Dr. Celina Kleer, the Harold A. Oberman Collegiate Professor of Pathology, who has been selected as the 2018 recipient of the 7th Annual MICHR Distinguished Clinical and Translational Research Mentor Award!

Dr. Kleer was nominated by her trainees as well as peers at U-M Medical School across several departments. Talha Anwar, Medical Scientist Training Program student in the Kleer lab stated that “Dr. Celina Kleer has overwhelmingly demonstrated a commitment to fostering the intellectual, scholarly, and professional growth of her many diverse trainees, while simultaneously succeeding as a leading physician-scientist and breast pathologist”. “Dr. Kleer has been a wonderful mentor, has helped me elevate my research, clinical work, and has given me guidance and inspiration for my career,” said Emily McMullen, U-M 3rd year pathology resident. Caroline Arellano-Garcia, a former student in the Kleer lab, who is currently pursuing a PhD at Stanford University stated, “I credit my professional and personal development to the time I spent learning from such a positive role model”.  

Dr. Vicki Ellingrod, Associate Director of MICHR summed up the committee’s thoughts, “She is clearly held in high esteem by her peers and mentees, and the letters highlighted both her mentoring capabilities and her successful track record.  This award will formally recognize… what Professor Kleer’s peers and mentees have already realized and appreciated.”

For more information on this award, please visit the Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research website.

This Mentor Award was established to recognize and celebrate the efforts and accomplishments of faculty who demonstrate consistent, high quality mentoring in areas of clinical and translational research. We believe the successful mentor serves as advisor, teacher, advocate, sponsor, colleague, and collaborator. Successful mentors are also scholars with a demonstrated commitment to fostering the intellectual, creative, and professional growth of their students, fellows, and trainees.  MICHR Award Description