Education, Training, and Communications

Dr. Lamps Appears on The PathPod Podcast

Dec 7, 2020

Recently, Department of Pathology faculty member Dr. Laura Lamps appeared on the December 3 episode of the PathPod Pocast's Beyond the Scope. In the episode, Dr. Lamps discusses a varierty of topics including her role as the Director of Gastrointestinal Pathology at Michigan Medicine, her involvement in United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP), personal hobbies, and some of her own experiences working in medicine overall.

"I loved Pathology in medical school. I think Pathology is the basis of all knowlege," Lamps explains. "I loved the course and realized I love microscopy. Later on [in medical school], I got a job at scanning in all the cytochrome slides to use for visual learning. The drawers I got to scan were GI and liver [caes] and I just loved it. From there, I [eventually] became a GI pathologist."

Later in the episode, Dr. Lamps describes the success she has had during her career as a pathologist. "My success, I would attribute it to just being nice to people, [that] can take you so far. Forming good relationships is letting people know that you're well-intended."

The full episode of PathPod's Beyond the Scope with Laura Lamps and Rondell Graham is accessible here.