Diversity, Equity & Inclusion


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Resources

Master List of Opportunities Available to Residents

The purpose of this list is to create a compendium of opportunities (including committees, positions, programs, etc.) available to residents. These may be departmental, institutional, or national in scope. Relevant information regarding time commitment, number of positions, residents/fellows who have participated, and any comments they have about the opportunity is included. 



Trainee Wellness Committee

  • Number of positions: N/A
  • Term commitment: N/A
  • Hours of committee work required: N/A
  • General duties: Organize wellness-related events for the residents and fellows
  • If interested: Email path-wellness@med.umich.edu



Resident Huddle Leader and Backup Huddle Leader

  • Number of positions: 2 (starting in March of PGY2)
  • Term commitment: 1 year
  • General duties: Lead weekly huddle, coordinate with residents, chiefs, education staff on topics, send out huddle email. The backup huddle leader
  • Current participants: Meredith Herman, Nicole Patel

Resident Call Manual Editors

  • Number of positions: 2
  • Term commitment: N/A
  • General duties: Edit the call manual with new changes or updates for AP/CP related call issues
  • Current participant: Sarah Farran


Opportunities List Editor

  • Number of positions: 1
  • Term commitment: N/A
  • General duties: Edit the opportunities list (this document) with new entries or updates for resident opportunities as one receives information from residents, chiefs, and faculty/staff
  • Current: Unfilled 
  • If interested contact the Chiefs

Lead Resident, Medical School Education

  • Number of positions: 1
  • Term commitment: N/A
  • General duties: TBD
  • Previous participants: Corey Post
  • Current: Unfilled 
  • If interested, contact the Chiefs


Lead Resident, Virtual Education

  • Number of positions: 1
  • Term commitment: N/A
  • General duties: TBD
  • Previous participants: Ryan Landvater
  • Current: Unfilled 
  • If interested, contact the Chiefs



Fellow Liaison

  • Number of positions: 1
  • Term commitment: 1 year
  • Hours of committee work required: Variable
  • General duties:
    • Eligibility: Former UM Pathology resident and in their first-year departmental fellowship (ACGME or non-ACGME)
      • Note: the position may not be filled every year
    • Responsibilities:
      • To support and facilitate fellow acclimation to the UM Pathology department.
      • To support Education Staff in answering questions posed to them by new fellows.
      • To alleviate stress on the Chief resident, especially during early months of new academic year and later to coordinate joint activities of fellows and residents.
    • Job description:
      • The Fellow Liaison will serve as a resource for new fellows joining the UM Pathology department as follows:
        • Connecting with fellows prior to arrival on campus to facilitate and answer questions regarding
          • Housing
          • Parking
          • Childcare
          • Wellness opportunities on and around campus
          • Connections to DEI initiatives
          • Departmental questions regarding: academic resources, leadership, organizational structure, IT, personnel
      • The Liaison will represent all Fellows in leadership meetings and trainee committees including but not limited to: Wellness Committee
    • Current participants: Unfilled
    • If interested: Reach out to the Chiefs



Histology Committee Resident Representative

  • Number of positions: 0-2 (one senior resident, one junior resident)
  • Term commitment: TBD
  • Hours of committee work required: Monthly one-hour meetings
  • General duties: Attend meetings, perform frozen slide discrepancy review. Meets Thursday at 8-9am, which often conflicts with morning conference.
  • Current participants: Unfilled
  • If interested: Reach out to Dr. Skala


Pathology Renovation and Relocation (PRR) Representative

  • Number of positions: 1
  • Term commitment: N/A
  • Hours of committee work required: N/A
  • General duties: Attending monthly PRR meetings, and occasionally participating in Lean events (at UH) planned by the department
  • Previous participants: Will Perry
  • Current participants: Unfilled
  • If interested: Reach out to the chief residents


AP Updates Newsletter “Trainee Thoughts” Section Editor

  • Number of positions: Generally 1
  • Term commitment: Flexible
  • Hours of committee work required: If writing an article, as long as it takes to write and proof it. If editing an article, 1-3 hours.
  • General duties: Either find a topic to write about or inquire amongst trainees to write about something specifically of interest to them. Previously has been about 3-4 editions per calendar year.
  • Previous topics: Pathology Trainee DEI committee, Ryan’s QBank, Resident Book Club, Day in The Life of an AP resident, Well-Being During COVID, Trainee Experience with SAS Grossing Sessions
  • Current participants: Unfilled
  • If interested: Contact Anastazia Hartman



House Officer Quality Safety Council

  • Number of positions: N/A
  • Term commitment: N/A
  • Hours of committee work required: Monthly 1.5h Zoom meeting; depending on if you choose to be working on a HOQSC initiative could take up to 1-4h of time some weeks; if run for Co-Chair = 4-6 hours of work per week
  • Description: The Council began in 2011 and has evolved into one of the formal voices for House Officers at the Clinical Quality Council. Membership is intended to broaden the House Officer’s understanding of and engagement in UMHS efforts to improve patient safety, health care quality, and transitions in care. For anyone with a personal interest in Quality and Safety, this is an excellent opportunity to participate on a committee at the institutional level. The multi-disciplinary committee is comprised of a house officers from all specialties, and is predominantly run by house officers with the guidance of a few faculty members. Meetings occur once a month on Wednesday evenings and typically last about an hour and half. The topics discussed often include a wide-variety of patient safety-related issues in the hospital, and the input of pathology especially as it relates to handling of patient specimens and the clinical laboratory is highly valued. In addition to reviewing safety reports, there are opportunities to participate on more long-term quality projects. One such successful project which was led by our former chief resident Ania related to frozen specimen handling. Her project is the reason that there are now automated pages that go to the 8336 pager any time a specimen is logged for frozen, to make sure that we are always aware if there is a specimen to be triaged/frozen.
  • General duties: Attend meetings, optional: lead HOQSC initiatives
  • Currently unfilled. Recent participants: Corey Post, Haley Amoth, Vincent Laufer
  • If interested: Reach out to recent participants


Committee of Medical Educators in Training (CoMET)

  • See form for details and application process
  • Twice monthly, 90-minute sessions on the first and third Thursday of the month from 6:30-8:00 PM will focus on both the development of practical teaching skills with structured opportunities for practice and feedback. Fellows also have the opportunity to design and implement a medical education-focused scholarly project. Many sessions will be facilitated by some of the health system’s most gifted educators. In previous years, a $200 tuition has been paid by the house officers training program which is used to support teaching sessions and learning materials. 
  • Previous participants: Haley Amoth, Corey Post, Dr. Skala
  • For more information, please visit the CoMET application at:  https://forms.gle/bQnRTwDb3o9SzSjZ9:



  • See program for details and application process. Applications open in May
  • Term commitment: 1 year program
  • Hours of work required: up to 8 hours per month(3-hour monthly didactic, 2-5 hours of pre-work and project work)
  • General duties: See website. Attend lectures and complete a health disparities related QI project
  • Previous participants: Justin Kelley, Julianne Szczepanski
  • Current participants:



House Officer Association Board

GME Positions




CAP Residents Forum Delegate

  • See residents forum
  • Number of positions: Three
  • Term commitment: Two years
  • Previous participants: Margaret Fang, Lauren Kroll-Wheeler, Cisley Hines, Efrain Gutierrez-Lanz
  • If interested: Reach out to the chiefs
  • Comments:
    • Minimal time commitment with optional attendance. They’ll reimburse a small amount if you are a delegate and attend the CAP meetings.

CAP Councils and Committees

  • Many different ones to apply for – see committees page for a full list, details of each position, and the application process
  • Previous participants: Julianne Szczepanski(CAP Foundation junior director)
  • Comments:



ASCP Pathology Ambassador

  • Number of positions: 1 resident representative per program (it gets confusing since the ASCP still keeps the application for PAs open online even though the ASCP Resident Council has told them repeatedly we are trying to expand the program by reaching out directly to each residency)
  • Term commitment: Generally 1 year, with the responsibility of recruiting internally the next PA or renewing your commitment
    • Former PAs are encouraged to work with new PA on events as much as they want to!
    • Whether you renew or recruit someone new, each year in May everyone has to re-submit a PA application on the ASCP website (email go out from the ASCP Resident Council to remind all current PAs)
    • Application is super easy = CV + 1-2 paragraphs why you want to serve, Ania Owczarczyk can serve as reference
  • Previous participants: Julianne Szczepanski
  • If interested: Please talk to the ASCP Resident Council member assigned to UM (for now it’s Ania through September 2022) and current PA
  • More information: ambassadors, click on Pathology Ambassadors (this is not the same as the Career Ambassadors program!)
    • Note: this is NOT just for medical schools where there are no pathology rotations or pathology interest groups. If a PIG exists, the PA has the benefit of coordinating events with that group. Currently UM medical school does not have a PIG – depends on the year and level of interest from the students.


ASCP Resident Council

  • Number of positions: depends on the year
  • Term commitment: 2-3 years depending on your HO level
  • Previous participants: Dr. Skala
  • Current participants: None
  • If interested: Reach out to Ania -and- look out for emails from ASCP when applications open (sometime in the late Spring) --- this is a legit application process, people are selected by a committee of ASCP Faculty Council members, and it’s variably competitive depending on the year and who is running against you BUT past Res Council members have a decent idea of who is stepping down and what sort of background/experience the Council is looking to recruit
  • Comments:
    • In-person attendance at the Annual ASCP Leadership Forum March/April (cost of travel and lodging, per diem food covered by ASCP)
    • In-person attendance at the Annual ASCP Meeting (October) to attend in person meeting the Saturday after the conference concludes (ASCP covers cost of 2-nights hotel, ASCP conference registration, airfare, and gives a reasonable per diem for food; usually covers other travel costs e.g. airport parking or Uber/Lyft as long as you save receipts)
    • Several conference calls (now via Zoom) per year, scheduled by Doodle polls
    • Coordination and support of your assigned ASCP Pathology Ambassadors (send emails or updates to your PAs a few times a year)
    • Reaching out to your assigned residency programs without a PA to get a volunteer to serve at PA (and keep it going)
    • General support of ASCP’s mission statement and annual goals – whether by retweeting on Twitter, reaching out to residents/fellow to attend the ASCP conference, forwarding emails about interesting opportunities, reminding residents of their access to ASCP Question Bank questions etc



CAP Foundation Grants/Awards: Several great opportunities are available HERE.

Please ask Julianne if you have questions!


Rodger C. Haggitt Gastrointestinal Pathology Society

You can apply for the abstract award if you have an abstract for USCAP


Hans Popper Hepatopathology Society

Trainee best abstract award if you have an abstract for USCAP


Center for Campus Involvement

The center works to create transformative experiences, a vibrant community, and lifelong memories for University of Michigan students.

Ginsberg Center

The center's mission is to cultivate and steward mutually beneficial partnerships between communities and the University of Michigan in order to advance social change for the public good.

International Center

Provide services and programs for the diverse community at the University of Michigan by accomplishing its core work to SERVE the international population, FACILITATE intercultural and international education, and FOSTER a global campus community.

Michigan Medicine Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
The website for Michigan Medicine's Diversity, Equity & Inclusion initiatives.

Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs (MESA)

MESA engages the campus community and transforms the student experience to build inclusive spaces and equitable opportunities for all.

National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD)

The NCFDD is an independent center that offers a wide range of resources to support the professional development and successful transitions of faculty, post-doctoral scholars, and doctoral students throughout their academic careers.


Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives

OAMI works collaboratively with campus and external partners to develop strategic programs that provide resources, opportunities and experiences that enrich academic, social, cultural, and personal development at the University of Michigan.

Office for Health Equity and Inclusion

Develops mechanisms for inclusion, diversity and cultural sensitivity among faculty, students and staff at Michigan Medicine. OHEI advances clinical care for under-served patient populations through research and education.

Office of the Ombuds
A place where student questions, complaints, and concerns about the functioning of the University can be discussed confidentially in a safe environment.

Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center

The Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center (SAPAC) provides free and confidential crisis intervention, advocacy, and support for survivors of sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking and sexual harassment who are University of Michigan students, faculty and staff.

Spectrum Center

With sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression as its framework, the Spectrum Center is committed to enriching the campus experience and developing students as individuals and as members of communities. The center's work is accomplished through a student-centered, intersectional lens.

University of Michigan's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Website

The website outlining the D, E & I initiatives for the University of Michigan.



Access to Michigan Medicine benefits information and other human resources tools.

Counseling Services (CAPS)

The mission of Counseling and Psychological Services is to foster the psychological development and emotional well-being of students through counseling and psychotherapy, preventive and educational programming, consultation and outreach, as well as contributions to the mental health professions.

Department of Public Safety (DPS/IEO)

The University of Michigan Division of Public Safety and Security (DPSS) supports the mission of the university as a partner serving to ensure a safe and secure environment while improving the quality of life for all those living, learning, working, healing and visiting within our community.

Disability Services

Providing accommodations and access to students with disabilities.

Mental Health Counseling and Consultation Services

Counseling/psychological services for faculty and staff.

Student Legal Service

A full-service law office for students.


Learning and Professional Development

Educational opportunities for members of the University and Ann Arbor communities.

Strategies to Empower Women to Achieve Academic Success

A symposium by the A. Alfred Taubman Medical Research Institute

Recruitment Tools

The following list of organizations may be helpful for finding diverse candidates.

Association of American Medical Colleges Faculty Roster

A not-for-profit association dedicated to transforming health care through innovative medical education, cutting-edge patient care, and groundbreaking medical research.

Black Medical Association

The Black Medical Association serves as an academic, social, and professional support network for its members, as well as a service organization for the community. 

Harold Amos Faculty Development Program

The Harold Amos Medical Faculty Development Program of The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation works to increase the number of senior-ranked faculty from historically disadvantaged backgrounds.

Latin American Native American Medical Association

Works to recruit and support Native American and Latino/a students at the University of Michigan Medical School

National Medical Association

The mission of the National Medical Association is to promote the collective interests of physicians and patients of African descent. They carry out this mission by serving as the collective voice of physicians of African descent and a leading force for parity in medicine, elimination of health disparities and promotion of optimal health.

National Hispanic Medical Association

The mission of the National Hispanic Medical Association is to empower Hispanic physicians to lead efforts to improve the health of Hispanic and other underserved populations in collaboration with Hispanic state medical societies, residents, and medical students, and other public and private sector partners.


OutMD seeks to create a safe space for LGBTQ-identified persons and Allies within the medical school and to bring awareness to the disparities that LGBTQ-identified persons face in the healthcare arena as both patients and providers. 

URM Connection Toolkit

A list of resources for D,E&I at various institutions.