Physician Scientist Training Program

PSTP Details

Trainees in the PSTP will complete all requirements for ABP certification in AP or CP as members of the University of Michigan Pathology Residency Program. Each PSTP trainee will work with a mentorship committee to establish an individualized clinical training plan and identify a suitable laboratory and mentor for their research fellowship. If desired, clinical fellowship training aligned with a trainee’s academic goals will be supported (contingent upon satisfactory performance during residency and with approval of the fellowship director). Research mentors may be a faculty member in the Department of Pathology or, with approval, another department at the University of Michigan. During their clinical training period, it is expected that PSTP trainees will use six months of research elective that can be credited toward ABP eligibility to work with the research mentor and transition into the laboratory. The department will support a trainee’s postdoctoral research training for at least two years, and to support an early pathway to independence. Trainees will be encouraged to apply for career development awards, including through the NIH (F or K series), Department of Defense, and/or private foundations. Clinical fellowship training can be incorporated into a trainee’s program, either prior to, during, or subsequent to their postdoctoral research fellowship, depending on a trainee’s individual career goals and clinical fellowship desired. Salaries throughout the training period will be adjusted to the same level as residents and fellows at the equivalent post-graduate year (PGY) level. Please see below for example PSTP plans.