Transfusion Medicine Fellowship



The philosophy of our fellowship is to foster excellence in patient care, laboratory services, quality and safety of blood transfusion, advancement of the field, and academic achievement. The overall goal of the fellowship is to prepare the fellow to become a Medical Director of a major hospital transfusion service. We will achieve this training goal by providing a broad and deep clinical experience in transfusion medicine, a comprehensive laboratory experience in blood banking, and exposure to the highest standards of quality and regulatory compliance.  This clinical and laboratory experience will be in the setting of a clinical pathology division that uses the best evidence-based medical knowledge, fosters an environment of respect for patients, donors and medical professionals, and recognizes the central role of scholarly activity and research in professional development.

Our program is structured to include the following rotations:

 Blood Bank (main lab): patient testing, blood component preparation, transfusion therapy, transfusion reaction evaluation.

Reference Lab: Red cell antibody identification, immunohematology problem resolution, evaluation of anemias and cytopenias.

Cellular therapies Lab: HPC processing, storage, and transplantation. HPC patient and donor evaluation and care.

Apheresis Procedures Unit: HPC collection, therapeutic apheresis, phlebotomy, transfusion administration, evaluation of the transfused patient.

Coagulation Lab: Evaluation of blooding and thrombosis. Routine and specialized coagulation testing and interpretation.

Histocompatibility Lab: Serological and molecular histocompatibility testing and interpretation.

Southeastern Michigan - American Red Cross: This off-site rotation will address donor qualification, blood donation, blood component manufacturing, donor testing and counseling.

Emphasis will be placed on development of skills in laboratory administration, regulatory compliance, procedure maintenance, computer procedures.

Opportunities are provided for pursuing clinical, applied science or basisc scienc research in transfusion medicine.

The educational program includes weekly didactic sessions, in transfusion reactions, immunohematology, coagulation, HPC donation and collection, therapeutic apheresis, current literature, as well as a core lecture series.