Finding the Artist Within

By Lynn McCain | August 5

Artist Elise Martin demonstrates blending a horizon at the Happy Little Painters event..It has been a little over a year since the Department of Pathology began its journey toward a renewed culture by implementing the FiSH! Philosophy. One of FiSH! core principles to bring well-being to our department is the concept of bringing joy to the workplace through forms of play. The MLabs Division put FiSH! Philosophy into action on July 25th as MLabs’ EMC2 team hosted the Happy Little Painting event. The goals were simple: be welcoming, make it accessible, and embrace the inner artist (no matter how large or small). Artist Elise Martin came in to teach members of the department how to paint as a wonderful experiment (outside of the lab!).

Happy Litting Painting !EMC2-HLMPE-Collage.pngThree individual one-hour sessions brought together more than 70 faculty, staff, and trainees from across multiple divisions. Participants learned how to apply paint to the canvas, blend colors, and create original pieces of art. For some, they discovered latent artistic talents. Others found relaxation and peace. Still others acknowledged with a twinkle in their eyes that art takes many forms, some more appealing than others. One participant was heard to say, “I definitely did not inherit my grandmother’s artistic abilities!” as she laughingly displayed her very abstract masterpiece.

Laughter, conversation, words of encouragement, ooh’s and ah’s over others’ work, and a spirit of joy permeated the atmosphere. Finger foods throughout the events kept low blood sugar shakes at bay. A big thank you to Rafael Baran, Chelsea Wright and other members of the MLabs EMC2 team who put this together and to Dr. Dahl for sponsoring the Happy Little Painting event. You are truly living the culture we are striving to embrace.