Dr. Daniel Boyer named Hematopathology Section Director

By Anastazia Hartman | March 20 2024

We are pleased to announce Dr. Daniel (Dan) Boyer as the Hematopathology Section Director. Dr. Boyer received his MD and PhD from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in 2009 and subsequently completed an Anatomic Pathology residency and Hematopathology fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital, serving as the Chief Resident in Anatomic Pathology during his training experience.

Dr. Daniel BoyerDan joined our Department of Pathology faculty in 2013 as a hematopathologist in the Division of Clinical Pathology. In addition to quickly distinguishing himself as a superb diagnostician, he also emerged as an excellent clinical laboratorian taking on several lab leadership roles, including serving as the Medical Director of Flow Cytometry Laboratory at Michigan Medine and the Laboratory Director for the Saline Health Center, Ypsilanti Family Practice Center, East Ann Arbor Health Center, and the University Health Service laboratories. While his technical and leadership skills are broad, Dr. Boyer has deep expertise in clinical flow cytometry, which he has translated into significant improvements in our laboratory testing service for leukemia and lymphoma diagnosis as well as a growing regional and national reputation as a leader in this field. He was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor of Pathology in 2020.

The hematopathology section consists of eleven faculty members who provide expert subspecialty diagnostic services and care for a large population of Michigan Medicine and MLabs patients using a variety of technologies including morphology, flow cytometry, cytogenetics, FISH, and molecular diagnostics. The service is anticipated to grow in volume and complexity as our integrated care network expands, and Dr. Boyer's leadership will be instrumental to our joint success.

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Boyer.