News Article

By Elizabeth Walker | January 15 2014

"Shannon St. Andrew, from Chemical Pathology, decide to hold a "Souper" Bowl event on her own to help raise money for the patient charity fund. She organized it and made all the soups and set everything up. Other staff pitched in with desserts and breads as well. The event raised $400, which was fantastic considering it was held just in chemistry and for one shift. Knowing that the patient fund hasn't been able to raise funds as easily as in the past, she definitely wanted to make a push to help and it was a success. There is already talk about doing this several times a year now. It was really in the spirit of giving and I really appreciate having staff members like this working for our department, going above and beyond to help our customers, the patients." - Eric Vasbinder


"Realizing many of the patient family fundraisers have been shutdown and the department hasn't been able to raise as many funds, Shannon planned a soup luncheon for the chemistry lab. She made the soup and chili. Other staff quickly joined in to donate bread and dessert. She turned a chemistry luncheon into a fundraiser for patient families - raising $400 for patient families from day shift chemistry staff alone." - Sue Stern