Making A Difference
Donations have helped make the many important discoveries by MCTP scientists possible, including the paramount discovery of gene fusions as causative agents of solid tumors. Following this breakthrough, we are continuing to make important strides in cancer research and developing new diagnostic tests and more effective, targeted treatments for cancer. Your gift enables life-saving, transformational research and development at MCTP.
Each new research project can cost up to $50,000 just to produce the initial data necessary for federal grant funding. A gift to the MCTP provides this essential seed funding. Additionally, MCTP researchers rely on highly technical tools to do their work. For example, the device used to prepare slides costs $20,000, the high-power microscope used to view the slides costs $50,000, and the machines to analyze the data cost $60,000. The latest cutting-edge high-throughput sequencing technologies, critical for advancing "personalized medicine", requires instruments with costs exceeding $100,000.
Individuals, corporations, and foundations are all part of the Michigan Center for Translational Pathology team. When you give to MCTP, you join a community dedicated to advancing the research and treatment of cancer and human disease. MCTP relies on donors like you to accomplish innovations not possible otherwise. The financial support from a variety of sources enables us to retain outstanding faculty, attract the brightest students, and conduct innovative high-risk research that benefits patients. When you make a gift—no matter what size—you become an important part of our community.
Learn more at Medicine at Michigan.
To find out how to make a donation or support MCTP, please refer to the Ways of Giving page.