







Fix the specimen in buffered formalin overnight.


Mark the surgical margins with India ink.


Take sections from the surgical margins (anterior, external, and superior) for histology; decalcify as necessary.  Take photographs and roentgenograms, if indicated.






Extent of resection.


Presence of the following structures:  Hard palate, soft palate, superior, middle, and inferior turbinates, medial and lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone, air cells of ethmoid, bony floor of orbit, orbital contents, zygoma, masseter, temporalis, external and internal pterygoid muscles.


Tumor characteristics such as location, extent, and size.  Is it limited to the maxillary sinus?  Does it arise from superior, medial, lateral, anterior, posterior, or inferior part of sinus?  Does it extend into the intratemporal fossa, nasal cavity, or ethmoid cells or into any other of the above structures?  Presence of tumor at surgical margins.


Conditions of ostium of maxillary sinus and any other sinuses present; are fistulae present?



Sections for Histology:



1.         Tumor (as many as necessary but a minimum of three).


2.         Surgical margins.


3.         Bone grossly involved by tumor.


4.         Bone immediately adjacent to tumor, if the tumor impinges upon it.