Prostatectomy for BPH



Occasionally prostates are resected for benign disease.  Usually the prostate is greatly distorted from hyperplasia of the prostate stoma and interferes with urinary output, frequency and retention with an increase in urinary tract infections.  It is important to look for any yellow softened or firmer areas within the stroma.  This could be a possible cancer.




  • Weigh and measure the specimen


  • Ink the capsule and serially section.


  • Describe the shape, color and consistency of the prostate.


  • Describe any nodules present, any cysts, calculi or areas suggesting carcinoma.


Sections for Histology


  • 4 cassettes from each side of the prostate stating approximately the location (i.e. right, left, mid).


Sample Dictation


Labeled "Prostate" received in formalin in a large container is a 200 gm. distorted prostate, 10 x 8 x 5 cm.  The capsule is intact and is inked black.  Upon sectioning the cut surface is a tan parenchyma remarkable for many tan firm nodules ranging up to 2.5 cm.  No calculi, cysts or yellow discoloration is noted.

Cassette summary:

1 A - D  Right prostate with cassettes 1 B and 1 C from mid region.  ss.

1 E - H  Left prostate with cassettes 1 F and 1 G from mid region. ss.


Modified February 2009